Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

Hold Onto Me

May 26

SHEPHERD: Hold on, my beloved, hold on to Me. I am working to fulfill all hearts desires and then some. I have not forsaken you nor will I ever. We are in this together- just as your marriage has been - through good times and bad - I am with you.

The Son is rising with healing, restoration and wholeness. Expect much! These days have been of value to you. You have already experienced what it has done for you by having compassion - a heart for those who are desperate. Nothing I require of my children is for naught. It has accomplished all that I intended it to accomplish in their lives. My Son, for the joy that was before Him, endured. You have endured and will experience complete healing-Spirit, soul and body.

Your strength lies in Me and Me alone at all times. You are learning this as well. Within yourself you can do nothing. It is only by the power of my Spirit that anything has any meaning whatsoever. So, again, I say hold on. Victory, overcoming joy with healing-Spirit, soul and body, is yours.

SHEEP: There is no sense in TRUST if we know what is going on. We have been created to depend on our Lord.

GOD'S WORD: Eccl. 1:18. "For in much [human] wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

SHEEP: I trust You, Lord. At least I will to TRUST You. GRACE me to walk in the fullness and peace of it.

It was said to me tonight by the evangelist, when I asked for prayer for healing, he said he saw the anointing of the Spirit over me.
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