Steps for Difficult Days by Nancy Carlson
  1. Day One
  2. Day Two
  3. Day Three
  4. Day Four
  5. Day Five
  1. Day Six
  2. Day Seven
  3. Day Eight
  4. Day Nine
  5. Day Ten

Day 2: A Prayer of Committment

steps through difficult days

Thank you, God
for the challenges in my life.
They are not mistakes.
They are hand tailored blessings designed for me for
my benefit and growth for
You will bring good out of them

In reality they are opportunities to show
me how much I need You!
They are doorways to deep dependency on You
And an increasing intimacy between You and me.

These difficulties cause me to see the
idolatry of self-reliance in my life. (PRIDE)

I will cease from doing and lean on You.
I will be still and know that You are God
I will not despair.
I will wait for, expect and hope in You.
I will be of good courage.

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