Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

July 4

July 4

SHEEP: Greetings Partners: (Editor's note: Through the Internet Church in the Son (www.wordsforcourageousliving) we had a Prayer Partner Group meeting EVERY day. I would hit the send button at 7:00 p.m. PST USA (after hours of preparation) to some 100 Partners in 20 countries around the world;. This was the entry for July 4

ANOTHER SHEEP: (Nancy) was up really early this morning (Saturday USA) and in the presence of God I FELT these words and am inspired, motivated and encouraged (by Neal) to share them to our most beloved Partners around the world.

SHEEP: How my heart rejoices this day. Jesus Christ reigns.

Oh people, think about it. The very Presence of Jesus Christ lives within us by His Holy Spirit. He is alive. The resurrected Jesus is alive within us!

In the name of Jesus, I command every cell, tissue, organ, bone, joint, tendon of our bodies to get in line with the Word of God. By His stripes we have been healed.

In His perfect timing He makes all things beautiful. Not only is He healing our bodies, He is healing the whole person – our minds, our wills and our emotions! Praise His Name.

Each day has been prepared for us by Him. We can and will give thanks as we walk with Him.

Take hold of His Hand. Don't let go! Trust Him as a little child trusts its parents

Lean not to your own understanding.
Acknowledge Him – He will direct.
Spend time with Him.
Pour out your heart to Him.
He desires this intimacy.
Humble yourself before Him.

He is, absolutely, making all things beautiful in His perfect time. All circumstances in our lives are opportunities for miracles!

Thank you for the cross. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

I ask for a revival of Your GRACE as we humble ourselves before You with grateful hearts for all You have done. You delight in crowning us with Your blessings. Grace us to come to you in simplicity trusting as a little child. We love you Jesus for all you have given to us freely. We receive with grateful and humble hearts.


ANOTHER SHEEP: Within hours I received 2 e-mails of encouragement. One from Canada and one from Zambia.

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