Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

Simply Trusting Every Day in Every Way

May 20


Grant us, our Lord, to know and understand what GRACE TRULY IS. We can't do anything in ourselves, but we try to. It seems as though we can't let go of our control of the difficult situations that arise in our life.

I know because I find myself there often. We don't deserve, nor can we earn it, but our gracious Savior has given it to us freely. All we have to do is to cry out to him and become that trusting child resting in the arms of the Lord who knows everything.

He is working everything out for His good. He knows each one of so intimately and tenderly. We are the works of His hands and He wants nothing but the best for each one of his chosen ones.

Our inheritance is in Him. All spiritual blessings from the Heavenly realm are ours. This is His GRACE, which He longs to pour out on us. How blessed we are in Him !! Thank you for bringing us to this place of rest. Let's run to Him, crawl up in His lap. There is no better place than to rest in His arms as He works out everything for good.

We even become stressed and when you analyze that – it comes from fear of not being in control and understanding. It is hard to wait for His perfect timing, but He is doing so much more than our minds can grasp or understand. GOD'S Word says (1 Cor. 2:9) Your eyes have not seen nor have our ears heard, nor have we even thought about what He has planned for us. It is beyond our highest dreams. Grace us Father to let go and let you have your way in our lives and enter into Your Presence as you work it all out.

God showed me what it means to come to Him as a little child. My husband and I were driving out of Cayucos when we stopped next to a car where a young lady was unloading her car with her baby over her shoulder. Earlier that morning God reminded me that He could use anything to speak to me.

So here we were - as I looked out the window I watched the woman with her baby. She was balancing her baby on her shoulder as she was reaching in the car to take out her luggage. I was horrified of the fact that the baby could slip and fall. As I glanced at the baby's face, there was such beauty and peace. She had neither cares nor the knowledge of the danger she could be in. It was a good picture of how we should be with our Heavenly Father as He holds us through our situations or difficulties. It looks impossible and often life threatening but He sees the whole picture and is working everything for good, because of His love and perfect plan for us.

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