Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

I Will Sing Unto the Lord

February 5

SHEEP: Stools have not passed yet. I will not fear. You have given me Your Word today – I believe You gave it to me to stand firm. The enemies of my body, spirit and soul are defeated!

I call Laila and she told me of Exodus 15:26. After talking to the physician, he told me to call him day or night. I went to the Word. I thought Laila had said Exodus 14:26. To my amazement, it was the story of the song I have been singing all along. Stretch out your hand over the sea so the waters may come upon the Egyptians. I went on to read the horse and the rider thrown into the sea.

However, before this happened; when I went to the bathroom and kept singing the song I proclaimed this word for me. I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed glorious, the horse and the rider have been thrown into the sea.

Now back to the Word. The Word went on to say that the Israelites saw the great work God had done, then Moses and the Israelites sang this song. They proclaimed He is my strength, He has been my salvation and I will praise Him, my Father's God and I will exalt Him.

His right hand has done gloriously. From your mouth you spoke and it was done. In your mercy and loving kindness you have led us forth. You have guided us in your strength and we are healed!

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