The Energy Crisis in the American Church

Dr. Neal and Nancy Carlson

Chapter Five – The Spiritual Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge & Faith

I have spoken to you about the energy crisis in the American church, and that I think we are reading the sign "danger high voltage" and taking it too seriously. We are staying so far away that, you know, were not getting even the vibrations that might be there from the current. We need to latch onto this power that is available so that we make up the American church, and move in power like a mighty army instead of like a small snail program.

We have talked about the Holy Spirit, one being baptized by the spirit and filled with the Holy Spirit. I want to turn to first Corinthians, chapter 12, and talk about some spiritual gifts, some very special endowments of supernatural energy that is available for the energy crisis. Chapters 12, 13 and 14 of first Corinthians, Paul is answering the comment that has come to him regarding a situation that is occurring in the Corinthian church.

Perhaps the passing let me say that when the New Testament was written, it wasn't written all book by book, and put together as a New Testament. It came from various times, and from various places. When Paul, for example, wrote first Corinthians, he did not say, this is chapter 1, verse one, No, he wrote. He just wrote chapter 12, chapter 13 or chapter 14 The chapters have been divided by people apart from the author's original anticipation, I'm sure, because when he wrote, he just wrote in capital letters, word after word with no division between the words, no punctuation marks.

He just wrote capital letters, one after another, and it wasn't until about the year 1260 chapters came into being. 300 years later in the year 1551 versus came into being. We divide chapter 12, Chapter 13 Chapter 14, consequently, by dividing them, we may place different emphasis on different places in the chapter because some thoughts places are quite abruptly interrupted by chapter division. However, Paul wrote down his thoughts and we have divided his writings into chapter 12, 13, 14.

In these chapters, he talks about the special endowments of supernatural energy, which is available. He talks about "the gifts of the spirit". In chapter 1, he says "now about the spiritual gifts. Actually the word here is not even in the Greek. He says "now about the spiritual." He goes on to state. Earlier, he and other people have spoken about the gift of the Spirit, which should be entirely separated from the gifts of the spirit, the gift of the Spirit is given to each one. On that occasion of becoming a Christian, you were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. After that time, gifts can come to you.

Paul enumerates a number of these gifts and we will look at three of them today. These are the special graces special endowments that are bestowed in different degrees upon different members of the church he goes on to say in verse 12, for example, "Just as the body is a unity and yet has many part, and all the parts, though many, form only one body, so it is with Christ the Messiah, the anointed one. Then says, in verse 27, "Now you collectively are Christ's body, an individual you are members of it. Each with his own place in function so God has appointed some in the church for His own use, first – apostles, special messengers: second – prophets, to inspire teachers and expounders: third – teachers and then wonderworker's and those with the ability to heal the sick, helpers, administrators, speakers in different tongues." But what he is saying that all of these gifts are for the purpose of edifying the church.

To receive the gifts of the spirit is synonymous with salvation. After that you have the fillings of the Spirit, which. has to do with repeated experiences that you can have as you allow yourself to become identified with God. Through many gifts, only one spirit. But, our first need is the moral ground. We must be made the right kind of me.. We must be made the right kind of women and young people and boys and girls. The power to produce miracles will not bring in the kingdom of God. Jesus himself said, "The miracles that are being produced or not bringing people into the kingdom." So miracles today will not necessarily bring people into the kingdom. The world's first need is to become a Christian in this world and be Christ like men and women, and only the spirit of God can produce this.

Some say that the spiritual gifts listed in chapter 12, 13 and 14 of first Corinthians, became altogether unknown after the Corinthian church ceased to be. I feel that the God who then (in, say, the year of around 59 A.D. could produce these type gifts, in the same God that today (since God has not changed) can indeed give an bestowal these endowments to Christian people. His spiritual gifts are provided to faithful recipients when they can be found who would then use them in live and fidelity, and put them to the instruction for the general good.

Now, in writing to the Corinthian, Paul had a somewhat extended discussion of what he called the spiritual gifts, the charismata, the gifts of the spirit as they are related to the worship and work of church. Quite unlikely they had written all asking for some comments about the gift. In this distance in time, it is difficult, if not impossible to, with clarity, say exactly what Paul had in mind. But the discussion can generally be made. He was at the mainline Sinclair, I think.

Paul makes it clear that the spirit was the site feet in the distribution of the gifts. They were gifts given to men and women who were not of their own attainment. They were gifts given to them, bestowed upon them, that they themselves had not obtained them. Because of their own possibilities for their own thinking that they had within them, God gave the gifts. He made very clear when he talks about the gifts of grace that they were gifts of power and function. They were ability given to men and women, and they were being energized by the spirit. This is why I say that today we need to be as by the spirit, and so we want to look at some of these gifts.

The chapter 12, he writes these words, and I will about the spiritual gifts, the special endowments of supernatural energy. Rather, I do not want you to be misinformed. You know that when you work even you were led off after idled that could not speak as impulse directed it, whatever the occasion might arise. Therefore, I want you to understand that no one speaking under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit of God ever can say, "Jesus be cursed" no one can really say "Jesus is my Lord" except by and under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Now there are distinctive varieties of distributions of endowments. Extraordinary powers distinguish certain Christian, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit. They may vary, but the Holy Spirit makes the same. There are distinctive varieties of service administrations, but it is the same Lord that is served. There are distinctive varieties of operation, of working to accomplish things, but it used the same God who inspire synergies them all. To each is given the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, that is, the evidence and the spiritual illumination of the spirit. For good and for profit.

The Gifts Of Wisdom

He says in verse 8, "to what is given in and through the Holy Spirit. The power to speak and message of wisdom." What is this gift of wisdom? In Job 28: 28 AND IN Prov. 9:10 we are admonished to get wisdom. I turned to James chapter 1, verse five, and re-," if any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God who gives to everyone liberally and under grudgingly without reproach, and fault- finding and it will be given him." Ask for this wisdom, you will be given.

In Galatians 1:9 we read, "for this reason, we also from the day we heard of the have-not ceased to pray and make special requests for you, asking that you may be filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of his will, and all – spiritual wisdom, that is, and comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God, and in understanding the discernment of spiritual things."

God has a location given people. This gifts of wisdom. I think of Joseph who was given with them in interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. I think of Moses, who certainly was given the gift of wisdom I think of King Jehosephat. He was besieged by three King and didn't have the resources to protect the kingdom. So he asked for wisdom. It was given to someone else who in turn gave it to him. (2 Chronicles 20)

Daniel had wisdom and the intellectual realm. Jesus added. In fact, so the gift of wisdom is to work in one area are another. As someone said, "to some questions is given the special ability to convey to others and insight into, and an understanding of God's gracious gifts of love, to men as revealed in the redemptive life, death and resurrection of Jesus." So this gift of wisdom is the gifts they cannot only enlighten you, and help you but can help someone else. It is closely associated with the gift of knowledge.

The Gift Of Knowledge

"To another is given the word of knowledge by the same Spirit."" 1 Corinthians 12:8

The gift of wisdom and knowledge are so closely associated that some people cannot distinguish between the two. There closely intertwined. What is the gift of knowledge? It is simply be supernatural revelation of facts that are past, that are present and that our future. These were learned, not because we read a book or look into the future, but were learned, because God endowed that individual with the gift of knowledge. It is the mind of Christ being transmitted to your mind.

You were given the gift of knowledge. Some people have this gift of knowledge, and if he had been given that gift, you should retain it until the spirit of God leads you to proclaim it to someone.

How is knowledge given? It is given in many ways it is given by sudden inspiration, it is given within your spirit, it is given to you in dreams. I believe God can speak today at the spoken years going by in dreams, Why not? Why would God say," my hands are tied. Now, I can speak in dreams. I spoke to others in dreams, I spoke to Joseph in a dream."

Matthew 213 records words like this, "No. After they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream." People are recording now, so that others can read about things that came to them in dreams.

For example, in Indonesia, some time ago, a person had the gift of knowledge given to him. It was in a dream that a person was going to come from America. The face of the man appeared, his name appeared and within several days. The real person with that face and name appeared the one who had dream. It came only because of the gift of knowledge given to that person. So you see, it still happens today.

Sometimes this gift of knowledge, but the audible voice of God, when God, just suddenly it speaks to you. You turn around and there was no one there. Paul experienced it, though at that time his name was Saul. God spoke to him on the road to Damascus. God speaks today. He speaks not only in inspiration, that only in dreams, not only in the audible voice of God; He speaks in visions. Revelation chapter 1 is a good example of where the apostle John, who was exiled on the island Patmos and division. So what I'm saying is that this gift of knowledge can be given to you. The script is said that we are to desire spiritual gifts, all will not get them. There given as gifts supernatural endowments of this energizing force as God so directs.

You will say that if it happens, it is certainly supernatural. But everything that is supernatural is not of God, I must say. The devil is quite powerful, so remember that if you have some supernatural cards make sure that it is God, not of the devil.

Knowledge became too many people in the Bible. Met just mention a few. I think of Eliisha and the location of the Syrian army, (2 Kings 6) when it exposed a hypocrite, (2 Kings 5). In the New Testament with the experience of Ananias and Saphira who are doing something wrong, it was revealed, (Acts 5). Later, another Ananias received a vision of Saul's conversion and in this visit. He was given such information.

For example, the street where Paul was staying, the street was called straight, and the name of the man who owned the house was Judas. The vision revealed that the man was praying, his attitude was repentant and he needed healing.

So, knowledge was given in the Old Testament times, and in the New Testament time. You may say that is well and good, but we're living in the now can God give you knowledge? The answer is yes, because the same God who gave the knowledge in the Old Testament and in the New Testament is it to contemporary people.

A few years ago, there was an individual season with a group of people who were studying similar to this chapters subject material. Suddenly, this individual had the feeling that there was something wrong with her here. She touched the right year. At that moment she had the gift of knowledge. She asked if there was someone in the group. Having your trouble. It was a person who had been in faith and prayer concerning the healing of her here. She lifted her hand and revealed that she had a serious your problem, but that she had stayed that he was going to be healed since you prayed to that end. At this moment, the one leading the group had the gift of knowledge. Otherwise, why would she ever bring up the question? There was praying and there was instant healing. Before the person healed said much about it, she went to her doctor and he proclaimed that the healing was complete.

There are various ramifications in their of various extents to this gift. Even in the area where spiritual special ability is given to teach believers. The methods and principles for making practical application of this gospel truth in our own individual life. But God's knowledge can be our knowledge if we let it.

The Gift Of Faith

Let me just touch on this third gift, the gift of faith. "To another faith by the same spirit." It is the most spectacular of God gifts. It really excites me because faith is right now. If you say you have faith that tomorrow something is going to happen, that is not faith that is whole. "Faith" is not, "Hope" is in the future. !!

There are many kinds of things, for example saving grace given to you when you has to be saved. There is a type of faith in which you grow, in fact, even listed in Galatians 5:22 as the fruits of the spirit. But there was another kind of faith. It is the kind of faith that Paul is speaking of to the group in Corinth.

The word says, "I will give to another. The wonder working say by the same Holy Spirit." I give it as a gift this wonderworking faith. This i that is a sudden surge in your heart, usually in a crisis, to confidentially believe without a doubt that as we act and speak in the name of Jesus it is going to come to pass.

Not many of the most useful men in the church and women in the church are distinguished mainly for just the simple faith. The faith that they have in the promises of God, and one of the highest endowments Christian life, yet though all may obtain it, it is of the rarest.

That is, this inward faith to have the ability to know that everything is going to work out right. It is the type of faith that let Peter sleep when he was shackled to the two guards in prison. It is the type faith that is distinct from working miracles, although miracles may come to pass. As a result of that faith. We will be discussing miracles later. I believe they are possible today as they were possible in the New Testament times. But the kind of faith that is listed here is the type of the faith that is given as a gift, because you are in a position to receive the gifts. You have properly prepared the soil, which is indeed hard to do. That is why we if not more people with this gift of faith.

For example, there was a missionary in a foreign country with speaking to a group of people, when suddenly a lion came upon the scene. Everyone was petrified. The missionary rose up and said "Don't be afraid, be still, everyone."

At that instant, and it was not foolhearetedness on his part, but he had within him that the type of faith that was a gift given to him at that moment, he spoke to the lion and said" and struck the lying dead in the name of Jesus, you're not going to harm us." Instantly from God's heaven came a bolt of lightning and struck the lion dead. The documented story goes on to say that he then stood on top of the line, and preached his sermon to the people I smile at that.

The gift of faith, it is not just saying this or saying that, but it is within your heart you know that it is going to come to pass. That is why it is distinguished from other faiths. This is the faith to move a mountain. Peculiar impulses that come upon disciples today during difficult matters wherein great performances are to be had which inwardly assured them of God's power and of God's assistance is under the classification of faith

In Conclusion

May I say this: all these gifts, aptitudes and abilities, are confirmed for the benefit of the church. He who allows the awakening of these gifts and powers within the heart, which are resided in each individual, is thus sanctified by them for helping other people.

It does not mean that person who has the gift of wisdom, knowledge and faith is any better. For being. They stand no higher than those who did not receive these gifts at all. But they have an extra obligation to build up and edify the church, that is why the gifts are given.

You know, all sorts of mountains could be removed around your city. And talking about the mountains of difficulty that order, right now, in your home in your school or in your office. I'm thinking about these difficult situations, perplexities, Hertz, and such that These are mountains. It can be moved." Christian faith really comes in and processes the hearts and minds of men, it would be a very simple thing to say and believe that all of the problems the torment the human race could be resolved, not now, but eventually. We could say that if they could not be resolved instantly, our feet would be put up on the road it would lead to the end of the right solutions. We're talking about individuals, we're talking about families, churches, groups and nations.

The energy crisis is here and we are suffering from. While the president and other groups have suggested that we draw the drapes and turned the thermostat down; we save for the church, let's open the drapes, let's open the windows, let's go out into the world. Let's turn our thermostat to had within us that steam that is indeed needed.

Like the locomotive that was on the track, and people couldn't get it going. They even changed drivers and couldn't get it moving. Finally, one person said. "Friends, every snow steam. There is no fire. You must have water in the boiler. That is why he will go." There are lots of false about it, it needs a paint job, there was a bad dad on the other side, but the fault is that there was no water in the boiler. There was no fire. He will do well enough if all these false were still there, if we jus fire up the boiler, he said, and the trees going to move." Of course it did.

Now people are saying in our churches that this must be remodeled, this has to altered and this must be changed to look better. But unless God's Spirit is present, and comes to bless us, we will be much like the engine, just sitting still, this is the church's greatest want. And until that want is supplied, we may reinforce it. We may reform, but we will still be the same. We want the Holy Spirit.

Whatever fault there may be in the organization of the institutional church in America, The faults can never have material impasse upon the church to a bring it back. Christianity at once will go forward with the spirit of God in our midst today. Amen.

May We Pray

Our Heavenly Father, we do not want to be like the locomotive, standing still, especially when we have an errand to run for the Master we've been told to preach baptized, in the name of Jesus. We cannot do it standing still. So we ask, our Father, for special endowments, for special people who are willing to pay the price so that the spirit of God might come upon her church. We are dependent upon that spirit, and we are aware of this energy crisis that we have. So we asked for the supernatural abilities to be conferred upon us sold by the help of God's Spirit we may take up the task that is left to us "Making Disciple. I send you forth." Jesus said, "but in this setting forth, I will give you power" we want that our father in Jesus name, Amen.

2017 Addendum

On our website Words for Courageous Living, there is a "blue button" Conversations Between a Sheep And a Shepherd. in which I (Nancy) have posted a year's conversation between me and The Shepherd. Many contain words, many personal that fall into the category of this chapter, touching upon the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith. Be blessed.

Energy Crisis

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