Faithful and Patient You Are
May 3
SHEEP: I don't know when You gave me these words but when I picked this pad up to write what happened today I found them.
SHEPHERD: Stand up tall. Hold your head high. There's work in progress – My work! Do not faint or be weary. Be not ashamed. It is important they see and know of your difficulties. It is My glory that will be seen and they will KNOW from whence it came.
I know how weary you are. Hold on to Me. My strength will sustain you. And yes, these words are coming from Me to you. Doubt Me no more, just as you chose to write the thoughts in your head – My thoughts! What I have begun I am faithful to complete.
Keep that expectant HOPE alive for it most assuredly is so.
Deny the lies of the enemy. Rebuke him in the Name of Jesus – that Name that is above all names! Before you know it that which is new will have come and those new days will be for you – days you have longed to be a part of. Yes Your weeping has endured – It is time for the morning of Joy! Joy !Joy!
Believe it and receive it in child like faith who longs to be all her "Abba Father" has planned for her. Joy unspeakable and indescribable Joy! – a fully giving heart to Me and others. Amen.
I am aware of everything that concerns you. I am speaking to you tonight in the words you are writing. You are hearing Me. Walk forward in obedience and trust that you are and will have My direction in every area of your life. I will instruct, teach, guide you with My eye upon you. Step out in faith that I will never fail you. This is a part of the new I have for you.
SHEEP: How faithful and patient You are with me. It makes me want to cry when I think of it.
I sensed You were confirming that I have heard from You. The message today in church confirmed it. It was from the book TURN and the scripture with it.
I don't know why I'm crying but I thank You again for Your faithfulness and unconditional love You continue to show me.
I love you, Lord, and I will to believe every word! I believe it is from You – it is coming from Your heart to me!SHEPHERD: My child, you can't even begin to imagine what is before you – days of My Harvest – yes My laborers are few but I am quickly bringing them aside with Me to learn what it is that keeps them from being all I've created them to be in Me. They will be ready for the harvest. Part of what I am asking of you is to be a witness (by what I will do for you) to those laborers I'm calling forth as well as the Harvest. All will see and know that My Hand has brought about the change in and of you.
One step at a time with Me. We are in this together. I will instruct, teach and guide you. Even though this is still hard for you receive this – receive it you will! Expect to behold and experience My healing power in, through and about you – spirit, soul and body.
GOD'S WORD: Matthew 9:37-38 "Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest."