Words For Courageous Living

Jody Lynn Carlson, beloved daughter

Celebrating Jody Lynn Carlson

Born in Kenosha, Wisconsin – May 18, 1975

Her SOUL took flight from her trailer – San Luis Obispo, Calif. – August 10, 2011

Her BODY took flight from the plane – Cayucos, Calif. – August 20, 2011

"Absent from the body – present with the Lord." (2 Cor 5:8)

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Two letters: one to Jody and one from Jody to mom and dad:

Dear Jody ~
"Can you hear me now?" Oh , Jody, Jody, Jody. How we miss you, honey. We can't tell you how devastated we are that you are not with us. The thing that makes it easier for us is that you are now free. We have been left behind. You are no longer plagued with back and leg pain and those migraine headaches twice a week are no more. Free from the effects of your biological mothers drug problem. You are free as the many butterflies you had throughout your home. Most of them are flying in our bedroom now for daily reminders of your love you had for us. Your many acts of kindness to various people are your jewels in your crown..

The Jody Lynn Story

Late 1975 she and her parents traveled to California. Through a twist of fate there were several strange happenings. First, she was left abandoned in a Monterey, Cal. Motel. It was at this time we decided to involve ourselves in Foster Child Care. We were approved February, 1976 and Jody was our first client - she was 8 months old. We fell in love with her and the process of adoption was finalized April 1977.

During that time her biological mother (Kathleen Stanley) came to King City and appeared at our church office needing food and lodging. We did not know it was she until several months later. To adopt one had to run an add in the Announcement section of the Want Ads which we did. The gist of the announcement was that the parents and any other interested parties were to contact County because there was a couple (Neal and Nancy) who wanted to adopt Jody. From that article we learned the name of Dwane Stanley and that he worked at a Feed Store in Salinas. Neal drove there once to meet him. He was a pleasant guy and had no reservation of our adopting Jody.

In the mean time officials in meeting with Kathleen again got a statement which today enlighten us as to the beginning of Jody's problems. It is true children suffer from parental happenings. In the case of Jody her mother wrote about various life threatening issues in the family. The mother was on drugs and made mention that the baby was left alone at a bar.

After first getting Jody as a foster child, the authorities allowed her to have a home visit with her parents, the Stanleys. She was returned to us earlier than required Social Services wrote that under no circumstance should you allow Jody to return because the atmosphere is bad. (Jody was returned dirty, clothes filthy, etc.)

The adoption was finalized April, 1977. Interesting fact: Our boys all have as their middle name "Neal" Our daughter Robyn had "Lynn" AND Jody's biological mother gave her middle name as "Lynn" when she was born. How cool is that?

During the 5th or 6th grade, she and a friend talked about suicide because they had seen a film on the subject at school. It was reported to the Principal. Then on this report one evening authorities came into our home and took Jody away. Neal went to the court hearing and when told Jody was being taken into child custody he tried to change the decision I recall I went to a pay phone, crying "Honey, we have lost Jody." That started years and years of her being in many group homes from the San Francisco area, Fresno, Visalia, and finally in Monterey. It was there the house parents realized that we were "fit" parents after all and went against the authories and let Jody come home.

She was baptized, April 4, 1982
She graduated from King City High School – 1996
She was married to Kent Welden – January 14, 2006. Marriage dissolved 2009

Jody's Letter to Us

Jody's letter to us

Wednesday Morning, August 10, 2011

The telephone rings and when said, "Good morning" all we could hear was the sound of deep loud crying. "Hello again, who is this?" The reply was, Jody is dead!" Linda: "I went over to the trailer as I always do to give Jody the daily meds. I found her lying on the floor between the sofa and coffee table. I said, ‘What in the world are you doing sleeping on the floor?' Then I realized she was gone."

We were blessed in not having to go to the trailer because Bryan was working in San Luis Obispo. He went there and met with the various officials.

As we were hugging each other – – crying out – – the words of
"Near to the Heart of God" came and ministered so much to us.


The words were definitely for Jody and for us!
We trust as you read the words slowly they will minister to you as well during this time:

There is a place of quiet rest,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where we our Savior meet,
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of full release,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where all is joy and peace,
Near to the heart of God.

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