It is, indeed, sad when a person stops learning or refuses to be “teachable.” We are all so much in need of information and learning. A lot of our teaching does not just come from adults. Much, I have learned, comes from children, from situations and experiences.
Bottom line: We can always learn. Back in the middle 1960 when I was pastor of the Beverly Hills Church in metro Detroit, Michigan, USA I learned a great truth from my secretary, Miss Alice LePage, former secretary to the chief justice of the supreme court in Michigan who was then my part-time secretary.
One day she noticed my carrying a cup of coffee down the hall up the stairs to the main level where my office was. Now - please get this picture in your mind. I am walking ever so slowly - eyes fixed on the coffee as it moved back and forth in the cup. Naturally I was trying not to spill it. So, after seeing me a little bit, she laughs and said, "Pastor Neal, let me show tell you something......" What she continued was so simple! While showing and speaking she said, “Just forget what you are carrying and just WALK where you want to go. Don't look at the coffee cup.
If you do, you will try to compensate and just wind up getting frustrated and probably spill some of the coffee.”
So simple: Get my eyes off my "problem" and get my eyes on "where I want to go". I have since used that so many times with people and with myself. On our refrigerator door we have the following message. It is found in Hebrews 12:2,3
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will NOT GROW WEARY AND LOSE HEART."I know it works, my friend. If I keep my eyes on my problem, I will stumble all over it. Knowing that is where we are, Jesus said, "Keep your eyes on ME" through difficulties. Now, this is the Master Teacher. speaking. He says, keep your eyes on me instead of the circumstances. Why? Because He knows that in Him is truth and that truth will keep us from falling. Well, actually the scripture says, the truth will set us free. Now, it may not change the circumstances but, believe me, it WILL change the way you “look” at it.
Lord, we could well describe our life as a cup - containing an assortment of all kinds of days in our life...some rough, some smooth. I ask that this one try with all their heart not to keep the head down, looking at the problems, but lift up the head and with eyes fastened on the Lord Jesus - walk toward Him. Yes, the “eyes have it”. With their focus on Him instead of self, they will make it through to safety and completion., not spilling or wasting a drop (second) of life.