Words for Courageous Living

September 14th

Building Bridges Never Used

I was once told that the lack of faith makes more Christians miserable than all things. What do you think about that??

I would like to think that I have GREAT faith, but sometimes I wonder if perhaps my faith is not "wavering". How about you and yours?

One wrote: "The fearful Christian dies many times, the faith-full Christian dies but once. Look back over the way you have come. What have you lacked? Have you not been provided for? When has Jesus ever left you friendless and forlorn? When did you ever have to say as he had to say, 'My God, my God why have you forsaken me?' If Jesus has been so faithful and true to you in all the many days gone by, say, can't you trust him implicitly for just one little day more?" Hebrews 13:5,6

"...I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we my boldly say, The Lord is my helper; I will not fear..."

One guy said to another, "It seems nothing ever bothers you." The reply was, "In my time I have had many troubles but most of them never happened. All a man who is a Christian has to do is to grow like the lily. Keep spread out in the sunlight of God's grace and grow in faith as he grows in knowledge and in fellowship with him."

I like that phrase, "I have had many troubles, but MOST of them never happened."

My prayer for you:

I want to thank you, Lord, that you are with this one. You made them a promise about being WITH them in all things. If the going is rough at this time I ask that you grace them with faith and more faith to believe. In the name of Jesus.


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