Name means lover of horses
(Not to be confused with the Acts account of Philip, the evangelist.)
Philip is from the house of Zebulum, a native of Bethsaida, which means “fish house”
Scripture background:
Matthew 16:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:l3
Questions asked:
Scriptural stories:
John 1:44ff Where Philip found Nathanael
John 6;5,7 Where Philip wonders where the lunch would come from for so many
John 12;20-25 Where some Greeks came wanting to see Jesus.
Place of service:
There is strong evidence that he visited France. Lived and ministered in Hierapolis (close to what is now Turkey) with 2 older daughters.
Asis minor, Greece as well as in Scythia (southern Russia). There he remained for 20 years.
Place and manner of death:
A.D. 54 – it is said he was 57 years old.
At Hierapolis he was put to death. There are 2 stories. l. scourged and thrown in prison and then crucified upside down. And stoned to death. 2. He refused to deny Jesus, so he was hung on a hook naked upside down,. His ankles were pierced so his bleeding to death would be very slow.
His one request was that his body be wrapped in papyrus rather than linen as was the body of Jesus.
Interesting facts:
Philip was a disciple of John the Baptist.
He did not find Jesus, Jesus found him.
He was the first chosen, having heard clearly the call, “come follow me”.
Philip possessed an inquiring spirit.
He was well versed in the scriptures.
He was a leader always being listed at the head of the four.
Phillip, perhaps lacked self confidence in that he turns to Andrew for advise when the Greeks wished to see Jesus.
Traditional comments:
It is said that he was 2 years younger than Jesus.
If Philip did preach in Southern Russia he might have had contact with John. John in his book of the Revelation speaks of the church of the Laodicians, which was just 6 miles from Philip’s place of ministry.
There is an Acts of Philip as well as a Gospel of Philip.
Shields and emblems:
Philip is said to have been martyred by crucifixion or the spear, or bound to a cross and stoned to death. Two loaves of bread recall Philip's comment at the feeding of the multitude recorded in John 6:7.