The Energy Crisis in the American Church

Dr. Neal and Nancy Carlson

Chapter Two – Are There Three Baptisms?

First: Baptism In the Holy Spirit or baptism With the Holy Spirit

Romans 6:3 – The person (caudate) baptized NOT by a pastor or layperson, but the "baptizer" is the Holy Spirit. He is the agent

When one accepts Jesus he is "born again" He/she is baptized into Christ or into His Body at repentance and the "new birth."

It is called in Eph. 4:5 "one baptism" because it is the only baptism that saves the soul. The other two baptisms we will look at later. This baptism is referred to as a burial regardless of what kind of baptism.

Col. 2:12 – Verse does not refer to water baptism but baptism into Christ and His body by the Holy Spirit.

Suporting Scriptures:
Matt 3:11
John 1:26
Acts 11:16
Gal. 3:14
1 Cor. 12:13
Romans 6:1–10
Among others.

Second: Baptism in Water


  1. Sprinkling (aspersion) It was in the early centuries reserved for sick and the infirmed who were to weak for immersion. The question was raised in the 3rd century whether this was a valid baptism. Remember it is not the amount of water or the method that saves us from sin.
  2. Pouring (effusion) Where water is poured upon the head, who stood either on dry land or in water.
  3. Immersion: "coming UP OUT of the water."This more accurately depicts a "burial" as referred to in the scriptures. When the whole body is put under, completely surrounded with water we have a better picture that suits the metaphor of burial as found in Romans 6:4 and Col. 2:12 (and being surrounded by a cloud – 1 Cor. 10:2)
  4. "Baptisteries" came into existence for the purpose of "bringing the river" to the church. They were originally built beside the "church building", later brought "into" the building.

Third: In the Holy Spirit (See next chapter)

Chapter Two 2015 Edition Baptism of the Holy Spirit (A Recap)

Filled With the Spirit

This paper has been prepared to answer 4 basic questions about the subject of the Holy Spirit:

  1. What Is It?
  2. Why Is It?
  3. How Is It?
  4. What's With It?

There are many excellent books and pamphlets on the Baptism, but his in a "nut shell" with carefully selected words will enlighten the reader.

What Is It?

The words recorded in Acts 19:2 include, "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" indicate that there is another experience after the initial experience of conversion. A person recently stated to us, "I did not know that there was more to it. I have often wondered, is this all there is? Yet, I have been in and worked in the church for years."

Evidently something was missing for Paul to ask the question in Acts 19:2. That "something" was a power that ultimately glares forth in the life of one that is Spirit filled. There are people who have involved themselves in John's baptism of repentance and they are trying to live the Jesus way and not the world's way–and that is good. BUT there are others who have entered into what is called an abundant life. This abundant life is seen in praise. It is seen in power and this is one of the things Jesus has promised that is missing in so many lives.

Jesus wants to baptize you. "I baptize you (said John) with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier that I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry, he will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and with fire." (Mathew 3:11)

John 7:38, "He who believes in me as the scripture has said, "out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water." The idea of baptism implies the complete submergence. As in the case of water baptism, the body is buried completely under (just as one is buried in the local cemetery, completely under) but that one does not stay there long. He experiences a resurrection (like the body in the cemetery will) and the coming fourth out of the water COMPLETES and makes for a baptism. There is a sense in which we not only abide in the stream of God's Spirit, but the stream abides in us.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is that coming out of our innermost being the Spirit of God. We are releasing the Spirit that has been placed in our being upon the act of conversion when Jesus came into our heart. The Baptism is the result of the heart cry of an individual who is crying, "Lord, return unto me the JOY of my salvation. "It is in that moment you are yielding your all to Him. The result of this is the Baptism.

Why Is It?

Simply for power! But you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." (Acts 1:8)

When one is baptized in the Holy Spirit that one is energized for power. Not only is he inwardly "built up" for abundant, confident living, but he can become the channel through which some of the gifts of the Spirit can be manifest. Further, according to God's will, one may receive a ministry of a spiritual gift.

Basically The Baptism Is For Power! The average Christian in Your town, USA IS A poor example of what Jesus promised His followers. As a Christian you have been promised power. Power for victorious living. Power for distressing circumstances through which one is asked to pass. Power in the communication with God.

There is power for liberty. "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty" (II Corinthians 3:17) We just are not as effective in our witness without the Baptism as we are with it. It is through the Baptism that we are energized by the Holy Spirit. In short, the baptism is the empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

How Is It?

To begin with, one must recognize that Jesus does two things. 1. HE saves and 2. He baptizes (not water baptism) both are situations that are real and given to one when asked for. As a Savior He is received by faith and thus gives you salvation. In Ephesians 2:8, 9 the word is "by faith are you saved." Salvation is a gift that cannot be purchased by a monetary contribution. As a baptizer He likewise does so through the same word, "faith". Look at Galatians 3:2, 14. Verse 2 speaks of receiving the spirit by faith. Then, ".that you may receive the promise of the spirit through faith." How is it then received other than through faith? (We assume that you are a professing Christian)

  1. In prayer, confess all your known sins and the "things" that are wrong and in contrast with the Divine Order.
  2. Thank God for the possibility of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Praise Him, from whom all blessing flow which include the flow of His Spirit from within your inner being.
  4. (A suggestion for continuing your prayer would be :) "Lord, I now ask that you baptize me with Your Holy Spirit. (In simple, child–like faith, believing with all of your heart) Lord, I ask You to baptize me."
  5. Now, thank God for receiving it and for confirming it! The Spiritual manifestation of the Baptism was the speaking in tongues. Inhale deeply and then exhale, and with it will come your tongues. Remember that YOU have to use your physical organs, but what is said is not of you. It is Gods spirit speaking through your spirit.

    What's With It?

    The answer is a prayer language mentioned above. God gives to be the Baptized individual a heavenly language. It is a sign of the Baptism. "they shall speak with a new tongue." (Mark 16:17) It is a fulfillment of prophecy which you can read in Isaiah 28:11 and Joel 2:28. It is a fantastic experience that is given by God. That is why Paul said, "I would that all of you spoke with tongues." (I Cor. 14)

    As mentioned before, we must use our lips and we must use our vocal cords. That we speak is not supernatural, but WHAT we speak is because it is under the direction of God. Luke James says about the tongue, it is an unruly member and the last to be tamed. When we receive the Baptism, we desire to be God controlled–even our tongues.

    It is not that we must speak in tongues but that we can speak in tongues. When we do we are edified. Speaking in tongues edifies the individual. One can pray more effectively, because often times one does not know how to pray. At that point "prayer language" can drop into gear. This will always be at the will of the individual. Some are afraid that they will just blurt out sometime in public, but never is tongues employed unless the individual will it. One prays not with understanding, but in Spirit. Tongues are a great asset to the Christian. It does make a difference. It is as the spirit gives utterance. Some stop with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. But that is where the Lord really begins in one's life.

    From then on one needs to have a controlled life. There is chastening. There is a revealing of the "Lordship" in the life.The Lord is preparing His bride (the Church) and He is shaping it into His image. He is pruning, revealing areas of sin, like pride, all for the purpose of having a bride that is without spot and blemish. He is coming again (as promised) for the Church.

Energy Crisis


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