Words for Courageous Living

June 11th

God's Word Is Powerful

I heard of a pastor who lost his daughter in death. Following the funeral he went to his study to prepare his next message. He thought that one on the meaning of trials would be certainly appropriate. He was going to use as his text:

"My grace is sufficient for you." (2 Cor. 12:9) But, in his honest, he could not really say those words.

Lifting his head he looked up and saw a new plaque on the wall. It seems that before his vacation he had asked someone to put on the wall a plaque that his mother had sent. He wiped his eyes and the words met him. "My grace is suffcient for you" BUT the "is" was placed in bright green. The "my" and the "you" were painted in another color.

The message came quickly to him. (As I pray it does to you, my friend.)

It was like a rebuke for offering a prayer like, "Please, Lord, let your grace be sufficient for me." How dare you ask that which IS. You see, God can not make it any more sufficient than He has made it. We are to rise above and believe. When God says, "Neal, my grace IS." He is not saying, "may be" but IS.

In all of life's trials - - - like that one you are going through right now. You know what it is, don't you? God is there to say..."my grace IS"

I suppose the bottom line is to never turn a fact of God into hopes or prayers. His word is powerful.

May I pray for you?

Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus that the words on that plaque placed on the wall of that office, be placed on the wall of this one's heart. May it be read every day and in every way. "God IS'. Yes, He are able to sustain this one.


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